Guidelines for Manuscript Submission

Contributors are required to ensure that the following items are included in their submission:

  • The full names, email and full postal address of the corresponding author;
  • The manuscript with at least five key words;
  • Properly captioned text figures and tables, with brief descriptions and foot notes as the case may be.

Authors should also ensure that

  • The manuscripts have been spell-and grammar-checked before uploading.
  • All references cited in the text are listed in the References and only references

mentioned in the text are listed

  • Permission to use copy-righted materials has been obtained from other sources,

(including the internet),

  • The manuscript has never been published elsewhere (except as an abstract, a lecture or

academic project report, thesis, or dissertation), or is not under consideration for

publication in another journal or book,

  • The co-authors and responsible authorities (where the work was carried out) have all

explicitly given their approval for the publication,


OJSE also requires that authors submit contact details of four potential reviewers who are not colleagues with whom you have worked with in the same institution, or published in the last five years. (The journal is not obliged to use the nominations submitted by authors)



It is mandatory that every reference cited in the text be reflected in the reference list and that only those listed are cited in the text. Unpublished works and personal communications should be excluded in the reference list, even though they can be mentioned in the text.

Since OJSE is multi-disciplinary journal, authors are free to use any referencing style applicable to their discipline/professional body.

Whatever style is adopted, authors should ensure that information is as complete as possible and in the following order: 1) author’s last names and initials; 2) year of publication; 3) title of paper or article without surrounding quotation marks, or title of book in italics; 4) publication in which the article appears in italics; 5) name of publisher and city where publisher is located (for books only); and 6) volume number in bold face, issue number followed by a colon, and starting and ending page numbers.  Examples:

Reference to an article in a journal
Gidley, J.L., Penny, G.S., and McDaniel, R.R. 1995. Effect of Proppant Failure and Fines Migration on Conductivity of Propped Fractures. SPEPF 10 (1): 20–25.
Reference to a book
Kolade, A.M. and Okonkwo, D. 2012. The Law of Kama, third edition, 760. Prentice Hills, Lagos: Prentice-Hall.
Reference to a paper presented at a meeting but not published in a journal
Anyanwu, K. et al. 2019. Gypsum efflorescence: Implications for the diagenetic history of the Ameki Formation. Paper NMGS 10900 presented at the NMGS Coal City 2019 International Conference and Exhibition, Enugu, 17-22 March.

References should be arranged alphabetically and then sorted chronologically.


To submit articles, authors should follow the link:


Manuscripts should be submitted with high quality text figures, as a pdf file or word document in a compatible format.  You may also submit your text figures as single source files. All such files more than 10 MB must be uploaded separately.

Peer review

The OJSE operates a single blind review process, where all manuscripts will be first assessed by the editor for suitability for the journal. If successful, the paper will be sent to not less than two independent reviewers who are experts in the field, to assess the scientific quality. The final decision to accept or reject the manuscript will be taken by the Editor and this decision is final.

Guide to Formatting

The contents of manuscripts submitted to OJSE for consideration should be arranged sequentially under the following headings: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions, List of Artwork and Tables with Captions.

The layout should be single column, typed 1.5 interline pacing, using Times New Roman, or Bookman Old Style, 12 points.

Tables should be captioned at the top while figures are captioned below.

Figures and texts should be embedded in the text, but where they are included as single files, they should be placed next to the relevant text in the manuscript.

Organisation of the Manuscript

With the exception of the Abstract, the manuscript should be divided into clearly numbered sections as follows: 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, …), 1.2, etc. Each subsection should be given a brief heading that should appear on its own separate line.


Authors should provide a concise abstract of not more than 350 words that briefly state the purpose of the research, the methodology and the main results and conclusions. A maximum of six key words should be provided immediately after the abstract.


The introduction should include a brief description of the broad topic to which the paper will contribute, a statement of the problem which the research seeks to solve, the objectives of the study, the methods adopted, the general setting (if applicable).

Material and methods

Sufficient details of the data sets and integrity should be clearly provided and the methods adopted should be clearly explained.

Results and Interpretation

The results should be unambiguously presented, along with a clear interpretation of the implications of such results.


In this section the results of the research should be placed in a broader context, and related to previous studies. The weaknesses, limitations of methodology/results and justification for further studies, should be outlined. Finally, this is where to highlight the contributions of the research in resolving the problems highlighted in the Introduction.


The conclusions should summarise the main findings of the paper, based on the data generated by the research. This is not where to bring up new ideas and comments.

Nomenclature and units

The OJSE follows the internationally accepted rules and conventions. Authors are therefore required to use the international system of units (SI), adopt the various nomenclatures recommended by their respective disciplines. Mathematical formulae and equations should be submitted in editable formats (not as images).


Who are we?

The Oriental Journal of Science and Engineering (OJSE) is a frontline international publishing outfit for sciences and engineering.

The journal publishes high quality peer-reviewed papers on all aspects of physical science (chemistry, computer science, geology, mathematics, physics and statistics), natural science (biochemistry, biology, botany, biotechnology, zoology, microbiology, biological science and related fields), health sciences, chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical/electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, aeronautical engineering, as well as all aspects of environmental sciences.

The journal welcomes original research papers, discussion papers, short reports, reviews and short communications.